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Latest revision as of 15:25, 22 January 2016

http://mikatan.goodsmile.info/en/ Run by Kahotan, this is an English version of http://ameblo.jp/gsc-mikatan/

http://figurenews.blog.jp/ This site posts most of the figure related news and photos that manufactures post to their blog and twitter. Includes mech stuff and western licenses.

http://toy-navi.net/ A figure review site with high resolution and high photo count.

http://akiba-weekend.blog.jp/ A blog where some Japanese dude uploads nice photos that he takes at events that take place in japan

http://hobbylog.jp/ This site posts threads from futaba

http://moonlitsaki.com/ An English blog dedicated to Anime Figure News and Reviews. Picks up on some obscure announcements and is more specialized and excludes mech stuff and western licenses.

http://myfigurecollection.net/profile/hIE/pictures/ All official promotional pictures are supposed to uploaded here. These are what you see when you go to an items order page.

http://dat.2chan.net/46/futaba.htm Figure board.

fuck off