My wiki:About

From BuyFag Guide
Revision as of 00:25, 17 August 2017 by Sonone (Talk | contribs) (Contact)

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E-mail site owner at: admin_at_buyfags_dot_moe

Purpose's purpose as a Wiki is to give information on purchasing, storing, displaying and looking after Japanese merchandise. The majority of the wiki is subject to opinions, which anyone is able to edit after making an account.

Every article on the site is to teach anons about the buyfagging process and (hopefully) guide them to the best possible outcome when purchasing after they've read up on the articles.


In the past, a community effort created a Google Doc which served as a guide to buyfags for several years. At some point, some faggot decided to change the Google Doc's title from "So you want to be a buyf/a/g?" to "So you want to be a faggot", the guide was reported to google and since obviously faggots run google they decided that a single un-friendly word was grounds enough to take the whole guide down. The Google Doc eventually was reuploaded, however the domain did not redirect to the new guide. At that point the domain was registered and redirected to the reuploaded guide. While all that nonsense was happening, anons asked for the creation of a wiki to ultimately avoid another ass-fucking by google and having the doc in danger of being taken down again. Therefore, was turned into a wiki on Jan 10th, 2016 and the information on the Google Doc was brought over, while also being updated in order to ensure its' information was relevant.

We do this for free and there are no ads on this site because it's run by professional adult(s).