What To Do If Your Dog Is Afraid Of Fireworks

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🦄 A little bit of positivity for everyone :D

Before you reach for the doggy Xanax, try implementing some or all of these options for your firework-phobic dog.

1. Exercise. It's always the first place to start. Make sure your dog is totally pooped by the time the sky starts lighting up. Take a super long walk or run, have a rowdy play session, and finish it off with some structured (but fun!) training, and you will have a dog that is satisfyingly tired - physically and mentally. A tired dog will have far less energy bottled up to direct into fearful or anxious behaviors. mijn hond is bang voor vuurwerk

2. Block visual cues. Visual stimulation is highly triggering for dogs, so when we take that element away, it can go a long way in helping the dog calm down. If your dog is fearful around fireworks, by all means, keep her inside and close the curtains. If your dog is comfortable and happy in her kennel, this would be a great place for her at this time. Many dogs feel safer in a small enclosure when they are frightened. A calming cap could also be a helpful tool if you are not able to block visual stimuli.

3. Desensitization. This is by far the best remedy for a fearful dog, and will also be the most permanent, but it does take time and persistence. Desensitizing your dog to the sound of fireworks (or any other auditory stimuli) will help your dog overcome her fear by changing her mental state when in the presence of fireworks from panicked to calm. Essentially, this involves creating a positive mental association to the sound. hond angstig tijdens wandelen

4. Sound Therapy. Check out the CD "Through A Dog's Ears", which has been designed specifically for the purpose of calming dogs in stressful situations. This would be great to play during a fireworks show or a thunderstorm. Just be sure to turn the cue on first, meaning create an active association in the dog's mind. Play the music well before the scary event has begun. I would suggest playing it for 20-30 minutes per day a few days before the holiday when your dog is calm and relaxed. Pet her and give her treats and calm affection during each session so that she associates the music with a calm and peaceful state of mind.

5. Mind Games. Keeping your dog mentally active (i.e. thinking vs. reacting) can go a long way in resolving fear and anxiety. She just needs something else to focus on other than her panic! Leave smart toys or stuffed kongs for her to play with. If she has run of the house, or even just a room, hide treats for her to sniff out and find.

6. Calming Aids. There are many natural calming aids available on the market that have proven effective at reducing stress and anxiety in dogs. Melatonin, DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheramone) and herbal calming chews are all great choices. Talk to your vet about the best option for your dog.