Is Streaming Saving or Killing the Music Industry?
🦄 A little bit of positivity for everyone :D |
In my readings today, I came across this very interesting article regarding streaming music services... it directly contradicts my thoughts on the subject, yet I see their point and I think you will too. Both sides regarding this subject have valid points supporting their views that make this a very interesting topic. click to read more
This is a very interesting read courtesy of BBC News. It is geared toward all of you out there who are like me in that you are very passionate about the idea of bands making enough money for their music, in any format. It is very conveniently titled "Is streaming technology saving the music industry?" I've linked to it down towards the end of this piece.
Generally, my review of a subject like this would be rather critical, because on the surface, artists do not get paid nearly enough royalties from these streaming service providers (most notably Spotify's pathetic rate of $0.007 per stream), however digging deeper into this issue, I discovered a silver lining I had not previously thought to consider. The obvious benefit of the internet is accessibility. Anybody can access anything from anywhere. This is a dream come true for musicians... their music can literally be heard by anybody, anywhere, at any time. Thus bringing me to the aforementioned silver lining. The payoff comes in the form of new fans learning of the band and coming out to shows that the band would previously have had little to no chance of connecting with unless they were already big enough to be touring around the country consistently or going overseas. The bands see increased money from ticket sales and merch sales directly as a result from their music being available for streaming on the internet. spotify streams kopen
Hence, I can see the point this article is trying to make. It does a good job of attacking the issue from both sides (those who oppose and those who support) to avoid any sort of bias. It features interviews from some music industry professionals who, among the interviews, explain how the record industry was not able to deal with the rapid advance of technology at first (dating all the way back to Napster. Remember that?) and have now had to "adapt or die," which I thought was a very interesting take on the issue. The music industry has always been very cut-throat, so that seems appropriate.