Talk:Proxy and forwarding services

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I feel this is speculative, misleading and unfair. Would you please consider revising it? >Blackship >...Be careful of their fees, there appear to be a large amount of them.

"Be careful" implies Blackship fees are high (or possibly lack transparency) when in fact Blakcship fees are lower than other forwarding services, like Tenso. There's so reason to imply users should "be careful" about the number of small fees. It's the total that matters. Do we need to consolidate our fees into a single line item for you to remove this warning?

Goody-Japan and Adult Items

I recently (February 2020) bought an adult doujinshi using Goody-Japan and had no problems at all getting it. I asked their customer service if it was okay beforehand, so it's not like they didn't know what it was. But it was a pretty innocuous yuri doujinshi. YMMV.

Different guy than above. I have been buying and shipping plenty of adult items through Goody-Japan including straight up hardcore R18 doujins from toranoana. I've also gotten wall scrolls depicting literal intercourse, eroge, and etc lewd items for well over 2 years up to and including recently (June 2020). I think you can take their "Prohibited item" list as sorta a covering their ass thing and not actually something they actively look to enforce.

just change it then lmao

Buyee and Adult Items I've had inconsistent experiences buying 18+ items through Buyee. They will not fulfill any 18+ items I buy from Surugaya, but they have bought them from other stores. So be advised about that.


I believe Sendico might not allow loli/shota (looking items) either as they cancelled a dakimakura order request of mine without any explaination. and DEJAPAN

I don't feel comfortable making changes to the page directly. I attempted to contact the admin through email to send this, but it bounced back with the error `X-Postfix; Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=AAAA: Host not found`, so I'm adding a section to the discussion tab, so someone who feels more comfortable making changes to the actual page can do so based on this.

I noticed that some details about and DEJAPAN are missing, and since I've been using these services for a while now, I thought I could share some updated info. I believe it might be helpful for others who are looking for more options. is a forwarding service where you order the items yourself and manually input the parcel content details, including item descriptions, HS codes (for EU customers), and prices once the parcels arrive. While they sometimes auto-fill the prices, this doesn't happen often, and you can always adjust them yourself. The way their system works essentially makes undervaluing items possible, as you have control over the declared value and are expected to fill it in yourself most of the time.

They also have the following fees:

• Consolidation application fee: 200 yen

• Consolidation fee: 300 yen per added package

• Handling fee: Based on total package weight (weight in grams * 0.360 = handling fee in yen, approximately)

For most of my Japan purchases, tends to be much cheaper than other forwarding services, especially because of the possibility to undervalue items. The downside is that heavy items or multiple packages from different stores can get expensive, but overall, it’s a great option for many shipments. No issues with adult items whatsoever, even onaholes and that stuff.


DEJAPAN is a proxy service that I started using after ZenMarket raised their fees and removed the option to undervalue. DEJAPAN isn't as intuitive as some other services, but they have some great perks:

• No commission or service fees

• Consolidation fee: 100 yen per item URL

• They do charge for specific services like convenience store pickups, photos, digital items, etc., but those fees are really small

To be honest, I have absolutely no idea how DEJAPAN stays profitable—if they do. But so far I've had no issues using them, and there have been no hidden surprise fees.

I've used DEJAPAN mostly for things like Yahoo! Auctions (since registering there is more difficult if you don't live in Japan) and shipping heavy items like books which would be way more expensive with Tenso. The only reason I don't use them for everything is that they don't support undervaluing, but overall, I've had great experiences with them. The biggest issue I've had with them beyond it being slightly more difficult to use and not being able to undervalue, is that it's not easy to change your email address there. Seem to be no issues with adult items, but I haven't tried anything other than 18+ doujin and manga.