Winter Car Care and Driving Tips

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🦄 A little bit of positivity for everyone :D

Autumn is the time to get your car in shape for the harsh winter months ahead. Snow, rain, mud and salt can all degrade the finish of your car so now is the time to protect it.

Rain and snow both collect pollutants from the air as they fall to the ground and these end up as a thin film on your car when the water evaporates. This can cause damage if not cleaned off. Salt is corrosive and can ruin paintwork and chrome. If it binds with mud and sticks underneath the car it can also cause rust. microfiber car cloths

As autumn starts, you should check that your windscreen washer reservoir is topped up with a decent screen wash and adjust the concentration for winter conditions. The screen wash should contain anti-freeze to stop it solidifying when the temperature drops. Your wiper blades should also be in good condition and shouldn't leave smears on the windscreen. You can put bags of silica gel under your seats to absorb excess water on the inside windows of your car.

Oil is important for keeping your car running smoothly and it needs checking and changing if necessary to keep the car properly lubricated.

It is also very important to check the condition of your tyres (including the spare) because you will need extra grip in the winter. The tread should be above the legal limit and any wear should be even. Tyre pressures should be at that recommended by the manufacturer. Car Drying Towel

With the reduced light in the winter it is extremely important to make sure that all of your lights are working before you get caught out. You will also need to check that your car is up to date with services and that your horn work properly.

Batteries take extra use in winter because of the increased power demand for de-misters and lights. Cold starts are more power-hungry because the car fluids are thicker in winter. Check that your battery contact terminals are clean and that you battery isn't running too low. Replace if necessary.