Writing success requires a positive mindset

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🦄 A little bit of positivity for everyone :D

Understanding your mindset and how it can either help or hinder your progress as an author is essential to your success. Many people believe that a mindset can be defined as "a collection or set of thoughts which is characteristic to an individual, or a group" (Roget's I: The New Thesaurus). This definition is incomplete because of an important ingredient. author 21

Mindset is not just about your thoughts, it is also very much about your emotions. What you think is very important, but how you feel is just as important when you are writing a book. Thought and emotion are an immensely powerful combination which can either work for, or against, what you want to achieve with your writing.

Jane decided that the book Jane had been planning to write for 40 years could not wait any longer. It was like it was "now or never" and Jane was determined to see it through. Jane was a professional, with an interest in personal growth and setting goals. Jane created a plan, and set aside time in her calendar to start writing.

Three months later with only a few pages of notes and nothing concrete achieved, she approached me for help. She was disappointed that it wasn't happening despite her best efforts. This was particularly frustrating for her because she is a very disciplined person and usually finds it easy to follow her plans. It wasn't long before the coaching process revealed that although she had gathered her thoughts about writing her book, the way she felt about the whole process was entirely different. Get More Info

She was not sure she could write and didn't think she had anything to offer. She also believed that she didn't stand a chance of being published. However, she discovered that sheer willpower doesn't work. She was unable to make any progress no matter how hard she tried. She felt a tremendous sense of relief when she realized what was happening. She was able let go of the immense pressure she felt. As a result, we were able to work on releasing the anxieties she was feeling so that she could embrace a healthier and more holistic approach to writing her book.

With the right awareness and support, she was able to shift her mindset - thoughts and feelings - onto a new level which ultimately led to an opening of the way for her writing to flow. Jane enjoys writing now more than ever. She's also making good progress on her manuscript. Jane's story does not represent an isolated instance. Your mentality can make or break you success when writing your book.