Proxy and forwarding services

From BuyFag Guide
Revision as of 20:14, 28 March 2019 by (Talk) (White Rabbit Express lowered their fees from 12.5% back in August 2018)

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🦄 A little bit of positivity for everyone :D

Read the terms of service very carefully.

Before using any of these services, you must make sure that you completely understand how their service works. Do not be the idiot that orders an 18+ product to a forwarder, then complains when they do not allow it to be shipped. Make sure that you read their website often to make sure that their service hasn't changed. This is just a list of various services, with some advantages and disadvantages to some.

Proxy - Someone who buys your shit for you, for a fee of course, and then sends it to you. Proxy services vary in what they offer and what their fees are, so it’s in your interest to investigate them and find the one that best suits you. Used in conjunction with sites where you can’t pay directly or when you don’t feel confident about your moonspeak to place your order.

Forwarding - Use when you can pay for your items but you need a Japanese address. You pay for the item and have it sent to the domestic address of the service. The forwarder then sends the item to you, for a fee.

★ - The store is able to undervalue or mark your item as a gift, which may help avoid extra fees. For more details check the Country specific information section.

List of proxies & forwarders

Subject to >opinions, take everything with a grain of salt.

Partnered with Yahoo! Auction Japan, if you ever use Y!AJ and click the buying from overseas option, this is what you'll be using. They are very simple and easy to use, however they charge 500 Yen per item to consolidate your package which will quickly add up. Buyee will store your item for 90 days, it is unknown what they will do with the item after that period is over.

They are easy to use, you can bid for things yourself or place a sniper bid. They charge 300 yen per item plus a 3.35% money transfer fee and up to 9% for shipping insurance. Their packaging is very good. Their search is not the greatest and it occasionally misses items, it is therefore recommended for you to use the Japanese website when looking through Y!AJ and the like and then to paste the website into Zenmarket. There is no consolidation fee when combining items. Zenmarket will hold your item for 45 days before they will start to charge you per day. They offer to take 5 photos for 500 yen per item in glorious potato quality. They are slow to answer their messaging system, if you have something that needs to be dealt with quickly then use the support section.

They are quite cheap and have good customer service. They will not undervalue and will change the value if there’s a receipt in the package they get.

Good customer service and packaging, and they deal with adult items too. They might be slow to tell you when they get your order, but if you email them and ask them they usually ship it really soon after your email. They allow you to use paypal when purchasing adult items. They do not allow you to ship loli/shota goods.

Shipping can be expensive but the package is usually well protected as a result. It's easy to use and they are very quick to respond if there are any issues. You can bid in real-time or place a sniper bid which can be freely edited or cancelled until 10 minutes before the auction ends.

Here is a guide for using BiJ with Suruga-ya When using as a forwarder, purchase a ticket and list what items you are purchasing and from what store. If you are using them as a proxy, then read this page and follow the instructions.

Their fees are quite low and their customer service is good. Bidding is in real-time or you can place a sniper bid (which can't be cancelled).

White Rabbit Express is very quick and easy-to-use. Simply add the url for your items you want them to buy and get an instant estimate. Usually their fees are 9.9% but there are occasionally times where they drop down to 8% such as during summer. They also charge a $1 fee per unique item and $4 fee per shop. White Rabbit Express gives you an option to pre-approve domestic shipping to speed up your order. The pre-paid amount is 800 yen per shop, and the overpayment will be refunded back to you. Adult goods OK. They are not used as often as others, which means Y!AJ who do not wish to sell to gaijins will most likely not have blocked them yet.

The people behind White Rabbit Express have launched a forwarding service, therefore you can probably expect the same standards mentioned above. You can login with the same credentials on both sites. Blackship will send you a photo of your package when it arrives so you know which shop it came from (but the photos can be rather blurry sometimes). Be careful of their fees, there appear to be a large amount of them. They allow you to enter your own customs value before shipping. Adult goods OK.

The following need updated, however they are not necessarily worse than the above. Those who update the guide simply do not have experience with them and so are not able to add information about them. If you do use them, please update with any information or post the information in the buyfag thread where it will hopefully be seen.